Structural Optimization

Optimal design of lightweight structures


The lecture Structural Optimization deals with an important  sub-discipline of aerospace engineering – the optimal, i.e. the best possible design of a system illustrated by structural mechanics cases. Optimization criteria concern e.g. the weight or deformation minimization of loaded structures, whereby boundary conditions such as given dimensions or available materials have to be considered. The content of the course consists of the following points:

  • introduction and motivation,
  • mathematical description of optimization problems being typical for mechanical structures,
  • general approach for optimal designs,
  • solution methods (especially penalty method, dual solution method),
  • additions.

The aim of the lecture is, firstly, the professional formulation and typification of optimization tasks that occur in the design of structures. Secondly, some suitable tools for solving these optimization problems will be presented, including in conjunction with numerical analysis methods such as the Finite Element Method. Thirdly, with the help of simple examples, besides the application of the tools, it should be clarified how important a critical interpretation of the optimization results is.

Shape optimization of a lightweight truss
Shape optimization of a lightweight truss
Weekly amount:
Semester frequency:
Target group:

Jörg F. Wagner
2 h lectures (in German)
Every winter semester or upon request
Master students of Aerospace Engineering as of 1st sem.
Higher Mathematics 1 to 3,
Technical Mechanics 1 to 3

Current C@MPUS-Link

Semester:WS 24/25



Chair of Flight Measuring Technology

Pfaffenwaldring 31, D-70569 Stuttgart

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