Experimental Techniques

Basics of testing


The lecture covers experimental techniques, which are typically used in the field of component testing of aerospace structures. At the same time, a basis for measurement and test technology of other sub-disciplines from material testing to flight test technology is presented.

The material offered is composed from various fields according to the variety of experimental tasks and in accordance with lectures on structural mechanics.

  • actuators for generating test loads,
  • sensors and sensor principles,
  • basics of measurement techniques,
  • digitalizing of measurement signals,
  • measurement errors,
  • strain gauge techniques,
  • vibration analysis and testing.

Furthermore, the need for a close link between theory and experiment is demonstrated, and it is illustrated how the reliability of test procedures and measurement results influences the formation of numerical models and the reliability of calculated follow-up results. Strain gauge and vibration testing techniques address two important experimental areas that are commonly used in aerospace.

The following figure shows an example of the application of a non-contact optical measuring method for detecting the strain at the surface of a fiber plastic sample. The image at the bottom left shows the distribution of the y-strain due to a longitudinal force in the y-direction of 2100 N and 4000 N. The diagram above shows the y-strain along the dotted line.

Strain measurement on a punched sample of carbon fiber plastic
Strain measurement on a punched sample of carbon fiber plastic
Weekly amount:
Semester frequency:
Target group:
Jörg F. Wagner
1 h lecture (in German)
Course is offered upon request
Master students of Aerospace Engineering as of 2nd sem.
Structural Dynamics - Dynamics I and II,
Introduction to Electrical Engineering

It is planned to expand the course by two laboratory excercises on strain gauge technology and experimental modal analysis as well as a compulsory excursion in the total equivalent amount of 1 h per semester week.

Current C@MPUS-Link

Semester:WS 24/25



Chair of Flight Measuring Technology

Pfaffenwaldring 31, D-70569 Stuttgart

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